Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Out with the old; in with the new!

It's that time of year when we reflect on what we accomplished (or didn't accomplish) during the past year and set our goals for the coming year. What will your goals be?

Have you been doing the same things over and over and expecting different results? Often people get stuck in a rut because they've done the same type of job for most or all of their careers. Maybe you aren't happy, but you figure "it's too late to change now." Well...that just isn't true! In fact, that may be what is holding you back! That is the most common mistake identified in a recent Met Life Mature Market Institute Survey. People often assume that they have lots of experience and have done this kind of work forever, so they should be "good to go." Hmmmmm...not so fast!

There are several reasons you may want to step back and consider your options. You may be burning out in this career. Maybe you're doing it because it's comfortable and it's what you know; but, the passion isn't there any more and you're going through the motions rather than living your life on purpose! There are very likely things you absolutely LOVE about what you've always done and that you are passionate about. Maybe you can build an "encore career" around those things--and, really begin to be excited about life again? Wouldn't that be fun?! To have balance; to be excited about what you do again; and, to truly live your life ON PURPOSE--and, with passion! WOW!

I'm sure you're thinking that all sounds great, but is it realistic? (Yes, it is!) You're also probably thinking I would have no idea how to go about making a change like that. But, it may not be as hard as you think. In just a few sessions, the 2Young2Retire course helps individuals identify the questions they need to ask and answer; find their passions; set their goals--and, develop a plan and take action to begin accomplishing those goals--even before the course is finished.

So, if you are wondering "what's next," or, in transition or considering retirement you may want to take action now to start living YOUR life on purpose. Find out what questions you should be getting answers to, find your passion, set your goals and create your plan to get there. Make 2010 YOUR YEAR!

Contact me at or call 952-895-1013 to discuss how we can work together to complete your puzzle!

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