Friday, June 3, 2011

What do you want to do when you grow up?

Boomers have to face the fact that, well, yes, we ARE getting older. BUT, we don't have to grow up--and, we CAN age well!

Since we're likely to want to--or have to--continue to work in some form for a number of years, then why not do something you're passionate about, something you get lost in, something that you would do for free, but have found a way to get paid for?

Rather than think of ourselves as "retiring" (or withdrawing/retreating from the world and life), let's look at the next phase of our lives as a transition to something new and better! Why not make the next phase of your life the very best it can be?

Start by considering what's REALLY important to you. If you prioritize your life to focus on those things that mean the most to you, like relationships, family, friends, helping others, giving back--whatever it is for you--you will be much more content and a happy person. Isn't it time to ensure that your values are reflected in what you do?

Renew your energy and your zest for life. Now isn't the time to sit back and let life pass you by. It's the time to make the most of each and every day we're given. Be around positive people who stimulate you, who embrace change and growth and are willing to support whatever you decide to do.

Don't be afraid to take some risks. I think Mark Twain was exactly right when he said, "Twenty years from now, you'll be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones you did do." I think that's also true of five years from now or ten years from now! Don't have regrets! Grab onto life...and, go for it!

Be open to new possibilities and opportunities. Too often we put ourselves in a box--a box that limits our options and doesn't allow us to see the many opportunities out there for us. Step outside that box! Consider options and opportunities--and don't be afraid to fail. After all, the only way we truly fail is if we don't try or if we give up! I like to say, "Sometimes I win and sometimes I learn." Because after all, if we learn, we take something important away from the experience and that, my friends, is not failure. And isn't that "l" word--learn--a lot better than the word lose? what age did you give away your dreams...and, is it time now to take them back?

Remember, you're never done growing and there are many possibilities out there for you. You can live your life with passion and zest; you can do those things you thought were in your past; and, yes, you CAN accomplish your goals and dreams.

What do YOU want to do when you grow up?