Monday, October 25, 2010

Don't forget to VOTE!

This isn't a post about 2Young2Retire-MN and what we do. It's about what's most important--or should be--to each and every one of us. Our freedom...and our right to exercise that freedom by voting.

We all have a lot to be concerned about. With unemployment at more than 9-1/2 percent--about 14.8 million Americans out of work--and more than 6 million unemployed for 27 weeks or MORE. More than 40 million Americans are without health care. And, bank foreclosures are at record numbers. Those are statistics we should all be concerned about.

You may think that your vote won't matter...but, it WILL. Statistically, the odds of YOUR ONE vote being THE deciding vote, are about like your odds of winning the lottery. BUT, what if we all believe that our vote won't matter? Then, it's not one vote, but hundreds, thousands--or more--votes. Voting is YOUR PRIVILEGE! And, by the way, if you happen to be in a swing state, the odds of your vote making a difference are greater than those of winning the lottery! (And, hey, some people have won the lottery more than once!)

If you're a Baby Boomer, you have "voting muscle" just based on the numbers of Boomers as compared to other generations--and, the fact that Boomers DO tend to take their responsibility to vote seriously.

In a recent article, Francis Beckett had this to say about Baby Boomers, "Today, because people are living longer, baby boomers are a much more powerful political force than 55- to 65-year-olds have ever been before. And they are exercising their political muscle on their own behalf...according to research from the think tank Demos." So, apparently, we are voting based on what matters most to us.

What matters most to you? Will you let others decide who makes decisions on your behalf in the coming years? Or, will you let your voice be heard?

Research the issues; research the candidates; know what matters most to you...then, VOTE! Minnesota voters, check out the facts at AARP's web site!

NOTE: Here's another opinion from one of the co-hosts of, Sam Zeff:

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