Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What do you want to be when you grow up?

You might think that's a strange question to ask a "grown adult." But, it is our perspective at Start Your Best Life Now and 2Young2Retire-MN that you are NEVER done growing! It doesn't matter how many candles are on your cake! You should still be actively planning what's next for you. Too many people get to a stage in life where they begin to "just let life happen." They think "whatever will be, will be." Well, I beg to differ! You should be making very deliberate decisions about what's next for you, how to accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams. Yes, YOU CAN! I certainly don't want to get to the end of my time here and have regrets and wonder, what if? What if I'd tried...., what if I could have .....? I would rather try and find out something isn't right for me it isn't what I thought it was than not to try at all. The way for you to live up to your potential, live each day to the fullest and achieve things you haven't yet been able to do is to answer some important questions and make deliberate decisions about what you want to do and begin a plan to get there. The questions you need to consider are: Who am I (now, today)? What do I really want? What matters most to me? What are MY possibilities? Then, the next step is to make some very deliberate decisions based on the answers to those questions. But, that isn't enough. You also need to put a plan in place to move you from where you are today to where you want to be--and TAKE ACTION! If you are ready to begin exploring these questions, working on some deliberate decisions and the plans to get you where YOU want to go, that's where I come in! I offer group sessions, one-on-one coaching and provide many resources and tools to help you get where you want to go! Let's get started today! Contact me at 612-209-1775 or send me an email at I'd love to talk to you!

Reflections on "Retirement"

How will you retire? Will you retire "well," make decisions about what you do and how you do it--on purpose? Or, will you just "let life happen" and do "whatever"? For the first time last winter, I spent time at a resort in Arizona. I spent some time each day watching the people at the resort and trying to assess how they've retired--and how happy they seem to be with the decisions they've made. I met and talked with many of them. From what I observed, I'd say the group was about half and half. Half of the people are very happy with the decisions they've made and how they're spending their retirement. However, some of this first half do seem to wonder if they want to continue to do what they're doing for the next 10 years or more. And, some of this group admit they're still "new to this" and don't know what they don't know. The other half seems to TRY to be happy with their choices. Many of them don't seem to quite know what to do with their time. They say they enjoy "doing nothing." (But I have to they really want to do that for the longer term? Are they fulfilled and feel like they're living life to the fullest?) Because, here's the deal. With people living longer, we have the gift of "bonus years"-extra years of life that we can use as we please. The typical 65-year old today us expected to live to be 83 years old. One in four is expected to live to age 90; and, one in 10 65-year-olds is expected to live to be 95. In fact, it is projected that more than 3 million Baby Boomers will live to be 100 years old! That's a LOT bonus years! And, we certainly want to make the most of the time we're given. Every person should have a plan for how to spend those years doing what matters most to him or her. I think most of us want to live each day to the fullest and arrive "sliding into heaven." Clyd Blum, a farmer from Newport, wrote a poem that explains it well: "Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely, in an attractive and well-preserved body, But rather, to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up and totally worn out and screaming, 'WOO HOO what a ride!'" Now, that's how I want to live my life. I don't mean to imply that we should totally throw a healthy lifestyle--eating well and exercising--out the window. I do, however, think we need to relax, find and focus on what matters most to us, refind our dreams and "go for it!" And, of course, we need to make the most of each and every day we're given. There is no right or wrong for how you choose to live your life in retirement. However, it really should be a very deliberate decision and YOUR choice! It is important tht you don't just let life happen. You will be much happier if you decide what you want your retirement to look like and then "do it." Do you want to work? If so, how much? And, if you do work, then do something you love; work shouldn't feel like work. We've earned the chance to live our passions, enjoy what we do and live our lives well! If you don't want to work, how do you want to spend your time? What's most important to YOU? Remember, this is YOUR life and YOUR retirement. Don't let others tell you what you should or shouldn't do. I ask people to consider three things: Who am I? (REALLY!) What matters most to me? And, what do I really want? Once those questions are answered, you can figure out what it will take for you to get what you want and put a plan together to start taking those first steps. Just like everything else, "Retirement just 'ain't what it used to be!'" It takes planning and decision-making to make it YOUR retirement and ensure you get the most from each day of your bonus years. Think about it. Do you want to end your life with regrets? Or, do you want to slide in sideways--breathless, knowing you did it your way, and that you did it all and lived your life just the way you wanted to? If you want to discuss plans for your next phase or have questions about the programs and coaching we do, give me a call at 612-209-1775,

Friday, June 3, 2011

What do you want to do when you grow up?

Boomers have to face the fact that, well, yes, we ARE getting older. BUT, we don't have to grow up--and, we CAN age well!

Since we're likely to want to--or have to--continue to work in some form for a number of years, then why not do something you're passionate about, something you get lost in, something that you would do for free, but have found a way to get paid for?

Rather than think of ourselves as "retiring" (or withdrawing/retreating from the world and life), let's look at the next phase of our lives as a transition to something new and better! Why not make the next phase of your life the very best it can be?

Start by considering what's REALLY important to you. If you prioritize your life to focus on those things that mean the most to you, like relationships, family, friends, helping others, giving back--whatever it is for you--you will be much more content and a happy person. Isn't it time to ensure that your values are reflected in what you do?

Renew your energy and your zest for life. Now isn't the time to sit back and let life pass you by. It's the time to make the most of each and every day we're given. Be around positive people who stimulate you, who embrace change and growth and are willing to support whatever you decide to do.

Don't be afraid to take some risks. I think Mark Twain was exactly right when he said, "Twenty years from now, you'll be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones you did do." I think that's also true of five years from now or ten years from now! Don't have regrets! Grab onto life...and, go for it!

Be open to new possibilities and opportunities. Too often we put ourselves in a box--a box that limits our options and doesn't allow us to see the many opportunities out there for us. Step outside that box! Consider options and opportunities--and don't be afraid to fail. After all, the only way we truly fail is if we don't try or if we give up! I like to say, "Sometimes I win and sometimes I learn." Because after all, if we learn, we take something important away from the experience and that, my friends, is not failure. And isn't that "l" word--learn--a lot better than the word lose? what age did you give away your dreams...and, is it time now to take them back?

Remember, you're never done growing and there are many possibilities out there for you. You can live your life with passion and zest; you can do those things you thought were in your past; and, yes, you CAN accomplish your goals and dreams.

What do YOU want to do when you grow up?

Monday, January 10, 2011


It's that time of year when we reflect on the past year--what worked well, what didn't work so well and what we want to differently this year.

It's also a time to think about those individuals who have had an impact in our lives--people who have been friends for a long time and helped us get through many major life events; people who are there to pick us up when we "hit bottom" and need a lift to get back on track; and, new people who have come into our lives and make a difference each and every day. I feel so blessed to have people in all of these categories in my life.

When we start a new year, our thoughts also turn to "what's next?" As we think about dreams we have yet to accomplish and things we want to do, we often aren't sure just what we can--or should--do, or where to start.

First, let me reassure you that you are NEVER done growing. Whether you're 40, 50,
60, 70 or doesn't matter. You are still growing and you can still accomplish those dreams.

Second, I encourage you to DREAM BIG! We are our own worst critics. We sell ourselves short and often don't believe in ourselves nearly as much as others believe in us. If you have a big dream yet to accomplish, go for it! Go ahead and think big, then, take a step back and say, "What's it going to take to make this happen?" That's a great place to start!

At 2Young2retire-MN, we help people answer three questions: Who am I? What matters most to me? And, what do I REALLY want? Through a series of exercises and discussion, we get to the answers to these questions...then, move to the question, "How can I make this happen?" When you complete a workshop session, you are armed with the information you need and the first steps to setting your short-term and longer term goals, and developing a plan to get you where you want to go--and accomplishing your dream!

What's next for YOU?! Make 2011 YOUR YEAR to start accomplishing your dream!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Don't forget to VOTE!

This isn't a post about 2Young2Retire-MN and what we do. It's about what's most important--or should be--to each and every one of us. Our freedom...and our right to exercise that freedom by voting.

We all have a lot to be concerned about. With unemployment at more than 9-1/2 percent--about 14.8 million Americans out of work--and more than 6 million unemployed for 27 weeks or MORE. More than 40 million Americans are without health care. And, bank foreclosures are at record numbers. Those are statistics we should all be concerned about.

You may think that your vote won't matter...but, it WILL. Statistically, the odds of YOUR ONE vote being THE deciding vote, are about like your odds of winning the lottery. BUT, what if we all believe that our vote won't matter? Then, it's not one vote, but hundreds, thousands--or more--votes. Voting is YOUR PRIVILEGE! And, by the way, if you happen to be in a swing state, the odds of your vote making a difference are greater than those of winning the lottery! (And, hey, some people have won the lottery more than once!)

If you're a Baby Boomer, you have "voting muscle" just based on the numbers of Boomers as compared to other generations--and, the fact that Boomers DO tend to take their responsibility to vote seriously.

In a recent article, Francis Beckett had this to say about Baby Boomers, "Today, because people are living longer, baby boomers are a much more powerful political force than 55- to 65-year-olds have ever been before. And they are exercising their political muscle on their own behalf...according to research from the think tank Demos." So, apparently, we are voting based on what matters most to us.

What matters most to you? Will you let others decide who makes decisions on your behalf in the coming years? Or, will you let your voice be heard?

Research the issues; research the candidates; know what matters most to you...then, VOTE! Minnesota voters, check out the facts at AARP's web site!

NOTE: Here's another opinion from one of the co-hosts of, Sam Zeff:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Your Partner Matters...

As one partner of a couple goes through a transition from full-time work to part-time work, from working to not working, or just changing positions, both partners are experiencing a transition. Both partners have expectations--spoken and unspoken. And, those expectations can create issues in your relationship!
Both of you are worried, concerned and wondering what's next for you. But, each of you may be experiencing these emotions in a different way.
One of the most important things to remember at this time is to COMMUNICATE! Work together on this. Both of you are going through this transition! And, unspoken expectations and other emotions that are buried inside and not discussed only add to the tension and difficulties you are experiencing at this time!
I'd also ask you to be careful not to lose yourselves during this process. Each partner needs to continue to focus on his/her own needs, passions, goals and actions, and not "get lost" during this process. By exploring who you really are (and reminding each other of that), what matters most to you--to each of you individually and to the two of you as a couple--and what you really want at this time and for what's next, you can be sure you're focusing on what's most important and not trying to hanging on to the past. At this time, more than ever, it's important to really decide what's most important and focus your energy there.
Finally, you really need to share time together as a couple--not just time talking about issues or getting a job or money or the kids--time to strengthen your relationship and set goals and develop actions together that will move you forward--forward to what's next for both of you! Sometimes you find that will get you to the best of what's next...and accomplishing things you never imagined!
For more information on how to work together as a couple during this time, visit JobTalkAmerica. The Oct. 8 segments focus on couples during transition. I was one of the speakers and two others speak about the topic from different perspectives.
(; if the URL doesn't work, go to Shows/October/October 8.
If you find yourself struggling with just how to figure out who you are, what matters most and what you really want--and to develop goals, plans and actions to get you there, 2Young2Retire-MN, can help! Our couples session is designed to help you answer those questions and develop individual and couples' goals, plans and actions to help move you forward.
Any couple who contacts me by the end of October and mentions either this blog or the JobTalkAmerica segment will get a free 30-minute consultation and half off the couples workshop. Looking forward to talking with you!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What do you want to do "when you grow up"?

Yup...that's right, I'm asking you what you want to do when you grow up. If you've heard any of the new AARP advertising, you've seen numerous Baby Boomers making statements about what they want to do when they grow up.

You hear things like, "When I grow up I want to own my own restaurant." "I want to write a novel." "I want to build affordable housing." And, many more options.

Many of us give up on our dreams as we get older. But I maintain, like AARP, that we are never done growing--and that we CAN accomplish our dreams no matter what the number is on your birthday cake!

Remember what Mark Twain said, "Twenty years from now, you'll be much more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things that you did do." (I believe that will be just as true five or ten years from now.)

I'm a living and breathing example of a Baby Boomer accomplishing a version of her dream. In high school, my dream was to be a teacher. I began college studying business education and English with the goal of teaching. But, life happened. And, at age 19, I got married and quit college after two years. I did go back and finish my degree several years later. But, by that time, I was working in the corporate world and business education became business administration. English became business communication. However, now, although I'm not working in a classroom teaching young people, I most certainly am doing many of those very things that drew me to the teaching profession. I'm coaching, training, mentoring and working with others to help them achieve their goals--and their dreams. If I can do it, so can you!

"At what age did you give up on your dreams? Is it time now to take them back?" What DO you want to do when you grown up?

I'd love to hear from Baby Boomers who are accomplishing their long-held dreams--or who would like to explore options and opportunities that might allow them to do just that! Please comment and let me know if you've taken back your dreams and are now living your passion.

At 2Young2Retire-MN, we help people 50+ reinvent themselves, reignite their passions, reposition themselves and focus on what's most important to them. They explore options and opportunities--and realize that the skills, knowledge and experience they bring to the table are unique and special--and begin to really believe in themselves and what they can accomplish! And, that gives them the attitude they need to do incredible things in the next phase of their lives!

Contact us at or call 952-895-1013.