Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's all about your attitude!

According to Thomas Jefferson, "Nothing can stop the man (or woman) with the right mental attitude from achieving his (or her) goal; nothing on earth can help the man (or woman) with the wrong mental attitude."

How's your attitude? Have you ever realized the impact your attitude can have on what you do and what you can accomplish? If you're having "one of those days" when everything that can go wrong is going wrong--and, you aren't feeling very good about yourself, things just seem to get worse. Then there are those days when you're on top of the world--and everything seems to be going just as planned. How you feel and your attitude really does affect what happens in your life.

If you think and act old, that's how those around you will treat you! However, if you believe that age is just a number and want to make the most of each and every day, then that's how you'll be perceived by others! Then, you CAN and WILL achieve your dreams--you will realize you can reinvent and reposition yourself--and reinvigorate your life--no matter how many candles are on your birthday cake!

Your mind is a remarkable thing...if you believe you can't do something, you can't do it! However, the reverse is also true, if you believe in yourself--and believe that you can and WILL do something, in all likelihood, you will find a way to make that happen.

Without a clear mindset, you cannot achieve what you want! You really need to get out of your own way! We are often our own biggest obstacle. Many experts say that mindset is 90% of the "game"--and, everything else is 10%! So, even if you're a true expert at what you're doing, if you don't have the right mindset, you are unlikely to be successful or accomplish what you want!

You've heard that we can't control what happens to us, we can only control how we react to it...our attitude! I completely agree with Charles Swindoll who said, "The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it."

Even if everything else around you is going wrong, how you react to your circumstances and what you do about it will speak volumes to those around you! You need to take control. And, you are in charge of your attitude.

At 2Young2Retire-MN, we help people 50+ reinvent themselves, reignite their passions, reposition themselves and focus on what's most important to them. They explore options and opportunities--and realize that the skills, knowledge and experience they bring to the table are unique and special--and begin to really believe in themselves and what they can accomplish! And, that gives them the attitude they need to do incredible things in the next phase of their lives!

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